Everything you need to know about studying a master's in Geography

part of Social Sciences

Geography is the study of the Earth, its physical features, and atmosphere. Geography also analyses how natural environments, surfaces, and phenomena impact human activities and the population distribution.

Geography seeks to answer questions like: Why is this landform here? How has it evolved over time? How could it change in the future, and what would be the impact on the local communities? What resources does a certain region have? Or how does geography influence population density?

There are two major branches: Human Geography and Physical Geography. The former analyses the relations between human societies and their environments, while the latter examines the natural characteristics of our planet.

Other subdisciplines include Urban Geography, Political Geography, Biogeography, Environmental Geography, Hazards Geography, Oceanography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and others.

A typical Geography curriculum includes subjects like Global Environments, Spatial Thinking, Geological Maps and Structures, Geohazards, Sedimentary Rocks and Fossils, Geographies of Globalisation, Meteorology, Geopolitics, etc.

Geography graduates can easily get employed as cartographers, international development workers or tourism officers.

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Check out our list of Master's degrees in Geography. Keep in mind you can also study an online Masters in Geography.

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