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Study Master's Degrees in Norfolk, Virginia, United States

Universities in Norfolk

Eastern Virginia Medical School is an academic health center dedicated to achieving excellence in medical and health professions education, research and patient care. We value creating and fostering a diverse and cohesive faculty, professional staff and student body as the surest way to achieve our mission. 

See 8 Masters

Norfolk State University's strength lies in its core value system of academic excellence, student­ centered focus, diversity, integrity and collegiality, and engagement, embody the principles, ideals, and beliefs of our students, faculty, staff, and Board of Visitors. 

See 15 Masters

We have history together. Our region. Our city. Our university. All of us. At Old Dominion University, we are first-generation students, fourth-generation veterans and the next generation of risk-taking entrepreneurs who will invent our own tables instead of waiting for a seat at another's.

See 69 Masters


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