Scholarship type
Number of scholarships to award
Scholarship coverage
- tuition fee reduction
The scholarship recognises that whilst there is immense value in professional practice placements that provide students with the opportunity to apply their academic knowledge, learn skills and develop the required behaviours and practices in workplace environments, there are also additional costs for students.
Applicable programmes
This scholarship is valued at $1,000, to be paid in one lump sum.
There are 12 scholarships available.
- Commenced current ACU course in Semester 2, 2022 or prior.
- Target group: Students undertaking a placement.
- Faculty: Health Sciences.
- Course: any undergraduate or postgraduate degree.
- Student must be enrolled in a placement unit in the academic year in which the scholarship is awarded.
- Students must have completed the Faculty Pre-Placement Requirements.
- Students must not have previously failed any professional practice/clinical units of study in their course.
Scholarship requirements
Study experience required
Application deadline
Applicants will be required to provide the following as part of the application:
Written statement of approximately 400 words outlining:
any hardship or barriers you have faced in accessing and/or completing your professional placements (these may include but are not limited to financial hardship, disability, illness, or carer responsibilities);
how your degree will change your future;
why are you planning to undertake this placement, and what do you hope to gain from it.
(If applicable) evidence of a rural or regional based placement.
Evidence to support points made in your written statement (these may include but are not limited to Centrelink Statement, Tax Income Statement, medical letter, or a statutory declaration) .