Scholarship type
Number of scholarships to award
Scholarship coverage
- other
The University of Passau offers Oskar-Karl-Forster scholarships to talented students and doctoral candidates in financial hardship.
Applicable programmes
This scholarship provides a lump-sum payment of up to 500 euros.
The scholarship is provided by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts, and is intended:
for students: to pay towards to cost of books and other learning materials;
for doctoral candidates: to contribute to the printing costs of their doctoral thesis.
You are eligible for the scholarship if:
- you receive a BAföG grant and have been enrolled for at least one full semester
- the net income of those liable for your maintenance payments does not exceed twice the allowance stipulated in the BAföG act
You are not eligible if you have already received an Oskar-Karl-Forster scholarship.
You must provide receipts for all purchases. This must show the date of purchase and the title of the purchased work or works. Receipts are only valid after the date of application; any receipts submitted beforehand will not be accepted.
Scholarship requirements
Study experience required
Application deadline
Submit the online application form. Please be aware of that University of Passau will only take completed application documents into consideration.
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