University of New South Wales is ranked 19 in QS World University Rankings by TopUniversities and has an overall score of 4.2 stars, according to student reviews on Studyportals, the best place to find out how students rate their study and living experience at universities from all over the world.
On this page you can see how the university is ranked on international rankings and find out what students are saying about their study experience.
Latest positive review:
Cooperation from program coordinator
Latest critical review:
Firstly, the fees have quadrupled overnight for a local student. They have incorporated identity politics and critical race theory into almost every subject within the arts and humanities. Colonisation and gender studies are found in almost every subject within the arts and fine arts degrees. They have removed all of the traditional art history subjects from the fine arts...
By studying in Australia you will take advantage of the great student environment both inside and outside classrooms. In addition to some of the best business and engineering schools in the world, you will be able to explore a greatly developed country that still retains its wild side with its warm climate, beautiful beaches, and the Great Outback, with over 500 national parks. Many Australian universities provide internships and work placements, preparing students early on for the job market.
University of New South Wales is located in Sydney, Australia and is featured in the best 1000 universities in the world, according to the most well-known international university rankings. Find out its position in each of these rankings or see what other universities made the ranking lists.