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University Rankings and Student Reviews

Hazara University Mansehra

Hazara University Mansehra is ranked 801 in World University Rankings by Times Higher Education and has an overall score of 4.4 stars, according to student reviews on Studyportals, the best place to find out how students rate their study and living experience at universities from all over the world.

On this page you can see how the university is ranked on international rankings and find out what students are saying about their study experience.

Student Reviews

Latest positive review:

ABOUT ME Will organized, self motivated and energetic Individual with ample number of skills in the field of Telecom & Information Technology specifically networking and vitalization. Having hands on experience of configuration of switches routers and farewells of well known companies such is as cisco, Huawei, Juniper, Fortinet, Mikrotik, and H3C. currently looking for...

Latest critical review:

I'm a web developer. I have made different websites on business level, education level . I am using different coding HTML,CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, bootstrap, so in these days I am use and work on react coding...

Why are student reviews important?

Hazara University Mansehra is located in Mansehra, Pakistan and is featured in the best 1000 universities in the world, according to the most well-known international university rankings. Find out its position in each of these rankings or see what other universities made the ranking lists.


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