Universities in Gdansk
Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport is one of the best sports universities in Europe (according to Global Shanghai Ranking of Sport Schools and Departments) in 2020-2024. Classes are conducted by both recognized scientists and highly qualified specialists in the areas relevant to individual fields of study, as well as coaches of Olympic and national teams and outstanding athletes.
The University of Gdańsk is a dynamically developing institution of higher learning, and one that combines respect for tradition with a commitment to the new.
Established in 1952 and located in L'Aquila, administrative centre of the Abruzzo Region, our University is a public teaching and research institution offering a full range of academic programmes including biotechnologies, sciences, economics, engineering, education, humanities, medicine, psychology, and sport sciences.
Gdansk University of Technology, one of the oldest in Poland, is an autonomous state university which covers 9 faculties. Ensuring high quality education for the dynamic development of economy and knowledge-based society is one of the key elements of the mission of Gdansk University of Technology (GUT).