
Study Master's Degrees in Liège, Walloon Region, Belgium

Liège at a glance

Liège is a university city in Wallonia, Belgium, welcoming numerous international students to top higher education perspectives. Join higher education institutions offering plenty of degree programmes based on a mix between teaching, research and innovation, resulting in a good balance of international degree choices. Study abroad in Liège and you will benefit from an enriching academic experience, while enjoying the engaging culture of the city.


Studying in Liège

Liège has one big university, The University of Liège, having around 17,000 students and collaborations with numerous foreign universities. Other high educational institutions include colleges, a conservatory and a school of arts.

The University of Liège has placed in top 350 universities in the acclaimed Times Higher Education Rankings. This university has a wide area of study degrees options to choose from, where you can study architecture, arts and humanities, languages, to history, law, economics, medical sciences, engineering or computer sciences. French is the main language of instruction, especially for Bachelor’s level. For Masters and PhD studies, there are fully taught English or bilingual study programmes.

Within university offerings, you can sign up for several distance (online or remote) learning programmes. The higher education institution occasionally hosts short courses, on different subject areas. Sports are an important part of the study programme, as the university has a high quality sports facilities, encouraging students, staff and visitors to engage in sport activities.


Career opportunities in Liège

Liège has a prosperous economy, notably the growing sectors of the city are related to mechanical industries, like aircraft manufacturing, information technology, biotechnology, production of water, beer and chocolate.

Names of important companies with local offices in Liège include: Techspace Aero, Amós, SAP, EVS, Gillam, AnB, Balteau, IP Trade, Dinh Telecom, Jupiler, Galler and Chaudfontaine.

The local higher education institutions may provide internship opportunities in one of the major companies in the city.


Liège city life

Liège is an exciting and beautiful city, rich in culture and can pretty much please anyone who visits it. Foreign students or travellers are surrounded by historic buildings and monuments. Visit places like: St. Lambert's Cathedral, the perron on the nearby Place du Marché, Liège Cathedral, St Bartholomew's Church, MAMAC (Museum of Modern & Contemporary Art), Museum of Walloon Life, Museum of Walloon Art & Religious Art (Mosan art), the Grand Curtius Museum, Cité des Miroirs, and the Curtius Palace.

If you are passionate about classical music, Liège is home to the Opéra Royal de Wallonie (Royal Opera of Wallonia) and the Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège (Liège Royal Philharmonic Orchestra). Many music festivals take place in Liège. The city annually hosts a significant electro-rock festival Les Ardentes, a jazz festival, Jazz à Liège, and folk festivals. The 15 August festival ("Le 15 août") is maybe the best known.

Areas of the city that are preferred by young adults are Le Carré (the Square) with many lively pubs, and the Place du Marché. Do not forget to taste the famous and delicious local sweets, like the gauffre de Liège, Galler chocolate, or Boûkètes - dark crêpes with raisins. You should also try famous Belgium beer, renowned for being one of the most refined beers in the world.

International atmosphere in Liège

Liège is home to large numbers of Moroccan, Algerian and Turkish immigrants, and there is a large Italian community living here. French is the native language of most people in Liège, and you will likely find more Italian and Spanish speakers rather than Dutch, Belgium's other major language. The greatly international study environment is sure to support your personal and academic development while aiding you create a rich global contact network and make a lot of friends from all over the world.

Weather Liège

Liège has a mild humid temperate climate with warm summers. The average high temperature is 22°C (71°F) in the summer, and about 3°C (37°F) in the winter. Over the entire year, the most common forms of precipitation are moderate and light rain.

Universities in Liège

EIT RawMaterials initiated and funded by the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology), a body of the European Union, is the largest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide. Its vision is to develop raw materials into a major strength for Europe. Its mission is to enable sustainable competitiveness of the European minerals, metals and materials sector along the value chain

See 9 Masters

HEC Liège fosters real-life education and research in economics and management for the benefit of our local community and the wider society.HEC Liège is a central hub from where we share and transfer our competencies, our internationally recognized research and expertise to agile learners, our local community and our international partners. 

See 3 Masters

The University of Liège is the comprehensive public university of the Wallonie-Brussels Federation. It reflects two centuries of renowned teaching and academic research, as well as an intellectual tradition which has put Liège on the map since the Middle Ages.

See 18 Masters


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